
Shipping Quality Products Worldwide

We ship throughout the US, Canada, Mexico, and Europe from our US headquarters and global manufacturing facilities.

Our 25,000-square-foot warehouse allows us flexibility to schedule shipping based on your in-house needs and budget. We’ll work with you to find the most cost-effective ways to get your product to its final destination.

We can drop ship to your customers, and we use all carriers, including FedEx, UPS, and freight and trucking companies. We’ll package your products in individual cartons or fully wrapped pallets and use custom labeling as required.



With our state-of-the-art warehouse management software, PacTec maintains an accurate inventory of your product at all times.

As a result, we can build and hold safety stock based on forecasts, support rush deliveries, and assure you that your inventory is safe and sound with us.

With our integrated structure, we can support production planning, material planning, product warehousing, and shipping for any size company, from start-ups to large corporations. We currently handle 4,500 shipments for 29,500,000 parts each year.

The PacTec Difference

We are confident that we can meet and exceed your needs by:

  • integrating your planning data into our system rather than making you reconfigure your information
  • planning based on your needs, not our capacity
  • focusing on eliminating the constraints to keep your production running

The PacTec team will handle material planning and purchasing to ensure your product requirements are fully met. We develop stocking plans to maintain flexibility for irregular order patterns and have the warehouse space and production capacity to support your needs. Let us know how we can assist you.

PacTec Difference